Coaching & mentorship

As a certified coach, I specialize in empowering individuals to take control of their lives by enhancing their self-development, achieving their goals, and identifying behavior patterns. Through my coaching sessions, I will help you overcome any challenges you are facing, both in your personal and professional life. So, if you are ready to step up and take charge of your life, contact me now for online coaching sessions.

Effective Coaching Strategies for UX Professionals

I believe there is a need for UX coaches in the UX and design community. It has been exciting to see more and more people joining and contributing to the field over the past 25 years. Despite this, there are still many challenges to overcome. The occupation, responsibilities, and how the UX role is positioned in an organization continue to be problematic over time.

UX has evolved over the years, but we still face challenges integrating UX into product design and development. It can be difficult to even come up with a UX methodology. Not to mention the importance of implementing design thinking. My experience in the field has exposed me to a variety of challenges. I am now offering my services as a UX coach. Are you new to the field? Or someone who has recently shifted into UX? To deal with challenges and frustrations, consider hiring a UX coach. Is there no senior UX:er in your organization who can provide you with advice and support?

Take advantage of a UX coach who is entirely objective and unbiased toward your organization. From my personal experience, we all benefit from seeing the world from a different perspective. A helicopter view can help you see patterns and understand them.

Steps in the coaching

  • We will discuss what goals you want to achieve—an assessment of the current situation.

  • Identify the challenges you face immediately.

  • A brief description of your educational background and your work experience.

  • Describe your current position—the dynamics of your workplace and the challenges you face.

  • We set SMART goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Follow the agreed-upon timeline to reach your goals.

  • Your UX coach will hold you accountable

    In my role as your coach, I will provide expert feedback as you work toward achieving your vision. We will track your progress toward success as you manage roadblocks. We will track and implement what you've learned through coaching. The aim is to help you stay focused on achieving your goals with multiple monthly UX coaching sessions.

What I offer as a UX Coach

You'll get the support of a trained UX specialist with 25 years of work experience who provides honest feedback with proven tools and methods. Areas to address within coaching:

  • Management

  • Leadership

  • Work culture

  • Work ethics

  • Career development paths at work

  • Competency development

  • Addressing your skills and strengths

    An initial session with me as a UX coach is free. UX coaching sessions are conducted online. Take charge of your own career development. Get in touch with me.

I started working in UX and Information Technology after my Master's degree in Interaction Design. My first degree is in Cognitive Science, focusing on Human-computer interactions (HCI). Initially, I wanted to understand the human mind and its functions. Human-computer interaction led me to identify problems. Being analytic, doing user testing, and observing what functions or not.

Interaction design taught me to solve problems and design solutions, create and aim for improvements, focus on users and customers, and design and iterate.

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I was a Usability Consultant at the UX Group for Cambridge Technology Partners. This job led me to Amsterdam and California, although I was based in their Stockholm office. At my first job, I felt the highs of the IT boom. I had fun working on a Web & Wap (!) project for Vodafone in Walnut Creek for three months.


Interaction designer at Unamite, an Accenture startup in Switzerland. The start-up experiment did not fly, and I was laid off after six months. Due to my Swiss partner, I relocated to Switzerland and tried out how to live and work there.


I was a research assistant at MMI-Group at ETHZ, Switzerland. Due to the IT bubble bust, it was impossible to find an IT job, and I experienced my first period of unemployment. Luckily, the Swiss unemployment authority found me an occupation to fill my unemployment gap and keep me motivated.


I was a usability consultant (in-house) for Bluewin, Swisscom Fixnet, Switzerland. To date, this has been the best workplace in my life. I could work on new exciting projects, innovate, and create new products and services. I also learned to manage conflicts and lead a design team for a strategic project. This period of my life was very demanding, as I became a workaholic and focused on results with goal-driven behavior. As a result of the workaholic episode, I quit my job and traveled for three months.

I had various roles at this job, including leading a team, SPOC (single point of contact for all UX & UI design tasks), project managing, and requirement engineering. I learned to deal with conflicts in a team and understand business needs, organizational needs, and how to deliver projects. My interest in project management developed, and I excelled.


I was a customer experience analyst for Forrester Research in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I came back and ended up again in a stressful, demanding environment. It was a new country with a new work culture and monthly work targets to fulfill. That year in Amsterdam was challenging, as I felt alone and fell back into the workaholic pattern. My outlet for dealing with stress was visiting art galleries and museums and reviving my interest in arts and cultural events.

In this role, I learned how to write reports, conduct market research, benchmark, and use data to analyze and reach conclusions through various methods.


Customer experience manager for Orange Switzerland. I returned to Switzerland and had my first official manager position, where I led a small team and worked on strategic, tactical, and operational levels in the organization. I managed to break the workaholic tendency here, but somehow, there was still stress due to unmet expectations and my role.

I still felt alone in my private life, and my relationship ended. My relationship, which began in 2000 with a Swiss person, led me to move and find a job in Switzerland. As the relationship ended, I decided to return to Sweden. To home base and work on my personal development, not being a workaholic, dealing with failure, and coping with relationship break-up.


I was a UX consultant for Inuse and Ntech and a freelancer in my company. I decided to live and work in Stockholm and have been based there since then. For years, I have worked as a consultant in the public sector for various Swedish authorities. I have learned and practiced effect management and designing need-oriented services.

However, I also realized that I wanted to learn physical skill sets, which led me to study and become a certified massage therapist. I developed a strong interest in health care because I wanted to understand how the body functions, reacts and maintains balance.


Next role as a service manager at 1177 Vårdguiden. In this role, I worked with design, UX, and CX, and I was also part of a team that managed Sweden's official healthcare website. I realized that I missed creating and being innovative. This job role was about administrating and managing external vendors.

2015 & 2018-2019, 2020-2021

Consulting again as a freelancer. Minor projects and gigs. In between my jobs, whenever I was unemployed, I returned to being a freelancer. I also took courses in leadership and coaching. I reflect on past experiences and learn how to be a better leader and colleague, what it means to lead, and to be a change agent.


I was a UX Lead at Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Unemployment Authority. This pervasive role allowed me to work with digital transformation on an organizational level and tactically deliver input to software development. I contributed to the whole process of creating better processes and designing IT systems that fulfill the requirements and needs of their users, improving the satisfaction of the employees and internal users.

I managed a team of 5 UX designers, working daily with product owners, product managers, requirement engineers, and developers. The job description for what I did in this role would suffice for seven different competencies—working to analyse and deliver value to an organization, change management, conflict management, and project management. Understanding and contributing to digital transformation, IT-product development, and processes that influence how the organization works efficiently and effectively with the IT applications and IT systems provided internally for 10,000 office workers and case managers.


UX Lead consultant at Maverick, Sigma. I worked on an assignment for HSB, Sweden's most significant housing cooperation, designing e-services. A strategic role, working with defining a new service, overlapping roles as a requirement engineer and part-time project manager for the design tasks.


I was a UX Lead at Azets Insights, leading a team of UX and UI designers. I was also a product owner of Azets' design system, which my team created from scratch in Figma. I support the organization in design-related tasks and customer experiences. I worked closely and daily with product owners in the Nordics and UK.

2023 & 2024

UX Lead & Coach. This year was unexpected. Working 3 months for Apotek Hjärtat as UX Lead. Being unemployed again led me to self-care practices and adventures.

Since April 2023, I have been writing and sharing my thoughts on Medium and social media. Every day, I challenge myself to write and reflect, not be governed by outer circumstances, but to be and understand.

In August-September, I participated in Robinson, the Swedish Survivor TV game show. The show aired on the Swedish TV 4 channel from mid-March to mid-May in 2024.

What have I been doing in 2024? I have been learning how to create content and posting daily on Instagram. I started a TikTok channel at the end of May.

My work experiences in the field of Design, User experience, and Product development